Thursday, October 31, 2019
Interview Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Interview Assignment - Essay Example Obviously, a lot of other applicants already have uttered these words which do not at all make me stand out from the rest. Aside from that, sincerity is not achieved. Thus, if I were to assess myself as a candidate employee, I would so easily look to others who might have a more personal story, something that would include personal experiences of how one was able to overcome a pressuring situation before or how one was able to handle difference of opinions without causing a fight. With this said, I would say that I would change the manner of telling about myself in a manner by which I would focus not on what I wish to do in the future, instead, how I would use my experiences to nurture good working relationships and maintain a good performance in their company. This is because of the fact that, in this manner, I would not be making up stories which appears to be obviously made up or idealistic. On the other hand, my second video was very attractive to employers because how I told about myself and my experiences were now hinged on how these will benefit the company if they hire me. With much thought about what a certain company I am applying for would need and want, I am able to choose relevant experiences of mine to tell them instead of just going around a bush and not really connecting to what the interviewer is looking for. Aside from that, showing willingness to learn from the experience the company will give me, should they hire me, instead of pretending like you know it all, is the time when I start to not stutter and not feel uncomfortable. In this activity, I have learned that being truly yourself is indeed very helpful in landing for a job that you like because it avoids one to sound superficial or trying too hard, which is a common trait of all other applicants. However, being truly yourself should also be accompanied with knowing the background, purpose, and goal of the company you are aspiring to be a part of because it shows that you
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
What are the main problems for the environment and society of relying Essay
What are the main problems for the environment and society of relying on cars for personal transport - Essay Example Similar to the imposition of negative impact of automobiles to the environment, the use of cars also impose biggest threat to the society. In this similar concern, it has been noted that the increased number of cars has also increased the number of accidents in the society. Since roads are overcrowded with large number of cars, the number of accidents has also raised by a significant level. This affects the people living in the society as they do not feel free to move in the roads because of the ever increasing danger of occurrence of such accidents. Furthermore, due to increase in the use of cars as a public transport, the traffic problems are increasing with every passing day. In rush hours, roads are filled with variety of cars and create an overcrowded scenario. These affect the people living in the society as their day to day life is disturbed by this significant concern (Schwartz, n.d.; Center for Lifelong Learning & Design, n.d.). 5 Recommendations to Mitigate Such Problems 6 Conclusion 7 7 References 8 Bibliography 10 Introduction The importance of transport as a means of communication has increased significantly in modern day society. There are different modes of transport that broadly execute by people to travel from one place to other. The most common means of transport that are being increasingly executed are cars, trains and buses among others. These means of transport are often termed as public transport as they play a vital part in supporting the common people to travel conveniently in different locations. However, it has been noted that amid the aforementioned means of transport, cars are mostly preferred by the people throughout the globe (White, 2008; Bunting, 2004). With this concern, this paper intends to present the effect on environment and society from the over reliance of people on cars for public or personal transport. Environmental Effect from Relying On Cars The impact of cars and other public transport especially on environment can b e considered as one of the major concerns as they duly affect the environment by a greater level. Since people rely heavily on public transport, different means of transport especially cars have been increasingly used worldwide. It has been apparently observed in this similar background that the environmental impact from the usage of car has been viewed to be a crucial matter of concern. The use of automobiles on cars imposes severe impact upon the environment at large. A few of the major environmental impact from use of automobiles is centered on the emission of toxic gases that is generated from it. It has been noted that the toxic effect from brakes and tires of cars are a widespread environmental concern. These materials increase the toxicity level of the soil and lead to the formation of black carbon. These would certainly affect the well being of people as these are considered harmful for human beings as well as the environment. Furthermore, it has also been noted that paintin g and coating on cars also impose biggest threat to the environment. Different sorts of techniques that are used in painting along with coating on cars like mold painting release hazardous materials like nickel, chromium and copper resulting in affecting the environment by a greater level. It is worth mentioning that vehicle weight is also considered to be one of the crucial factors that affect the environment by a greater level. It has been noticed that concerned authorities like the automakers are considering vehicle weight as one of the prime reasons for causing global climate change. Other than this, the manufacture and end of life treatment relating to lighter vehicles is also a major reason for generating harmful impact upon the environment (Environment Protection Agency, 2013; Singer, 2011; Miller & Spoolman, 2011). Apart from these the batteries that
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Power And The Glory Analysis
The Power And The Glory Analysis Even though the world is filled with impoverished as well as disease struck places, Mother Theresa tries to make a difference. While living a basic life in India, she fights to help the poor, cure the sick, and disregarding her owe health for others. Some might say that she is going to be a saint and others might say she is already one. Her unselfish actions have made her a symbol of love and total devotion to the people. A saint is considered to be a man or woman chosen by God to lead and one almost free of human weaknesses. The priest in The Power and the Glory can definitely not be classified as a saint and he is the total opposite of Mother Theresa. Since the whiskey priest is the best representation of human weakness, thus he can be called a sinner. The novel is clearly trying to alienate the readers by indicating to readers the wrongs of the human beings and exposing the wrong doings to readers. By revealing those acts, the readers are not inspired by their own human weaknesses and thus are repulsed by them. Through the use of the actions by the whiskey priest, Graham Greenes book, The Power and the Glory has failed to draw readers to God and instead has distanced readers from God. In their communities, priests are considered to be a role model or an example of what a Christian should be. They are representations of Jesus Christ in the world to teach the Word of God to others. In the novel, Chiapas, Mexico is under an anti-religion removal and it reasonable that priest is scared to do his duties as a priest. The whiskey priest must cheat, steal, as well as lie to survive and avoid being caught by the authority. He would get money for the people he baptized and two pesos is the usual charge (167). Even though the woman said that her family was poor, the priest still insisted on getting some money. The priest can be defined as an ordinary crook who steals from families who can barely put food on their own tables. The money that he gets from the baptisms is for his brandy. He wants three bottles. For eleven pesos (170). As a priest who is called to serve the people, he only serves himself. When the old man asked the priest, the priest replies, Cant you let me slee p for five minutes?(44).The whiskey priest does not want to hear the confessions, but it is his duty. That duty is not for himself but for God and His followers. After the old mans confession, the priest begins to weep for himself, because he now has to hear the confessions of the villagers instead of getting his sleep. He cries in sympathy for himself, not for the villagers sins. These examples outline the priests selfishness and are contrary to what Jesus has taught his people. The duties and services of a religious man are not only for the people but for creatures, humans and animals alike. When the priest returns to the land owned by Captain Fellows, the protagonist finds the house abandoned and the injured dog. He thinks to himself, her (the dog) life has no importance beside that of a human being (144). The priest does not care about the dogs life and only cares about his own. The priest thinks that a mans need was greater than a dogs (145). His mercy and concern for the dog is slim to none. He is only worried about himself and his hunger and not of the dogs hunger. God created man to care for the animals but the priest completely ignores it. The whiskey priest also commits one of the worst sins: fornication and on top of that he is a priest. He created a child than he cannot care for. When he saw her, the priest thought that it was making light of his mortal sin (65), meaning that he wishes that his sin was not so bad. It is and never will change. This sin makes the priest less than that of the betrayal of the half-caste. The whiskey priest knew that he was in the presence of Our Lords betrayer (91), another Judas so to speak. The mestizo betrays the whiskey priest for money, just like Judas did to Jesus, and the priest betrays God for lust and fornication. These examples summarize the priests inability to control his own self. He does not have to self-discipline to stop his lust and to think of others before himself. The whiskey priest gives in to the knowledge that God forgives people right before the person dies. If you are truly sorry for what you did in this world, then God will forgive you. The whiskey priest knows about this and thus in the prison, the priest prays to God and asks for forgiveness. He is a priest for the wrong reasons and also forgets that it was pride that made Lucifer fall. When he realizes that he is going to die the next day, he starts to repent saying, I have committed fornication (207). Even though he says this, it has no meaning because he does not really repent for doing it. It was like a sentence in a newspaper: you couldnt feel repentance over a thing like that (207). His repentance was not true and he kept drinking brandy, making him drunk while he was trying to repent. In the morning before he gets shot, he realizes that if he had used a little self-restraint and a little courage (210), then maybe he would not be the person he is today. He would then know what it felt like to be a saint (210). It was the use desperation that led the priest to pray that night and it was the use of pride that made him believe that he can be saved by repenting. The whiskey priest is human and has weaknesses just like ordinary people. He has forgotten what it means to be a priest and has disgraced the vocation. The whiskey priest best exemplifies the weaknesses of man and can only be saved by God. To the villagers in the novel, the whiskey priest could be called a martyr. The priest refuses to renounce his faith, unlike Padre Jose who married after hearing about the purge, and living the life of a fugitive, performing confessions and masses when his services are wanted. However, the villagers only see the tip of the iceberg so to speak. They do not see what the whiskey priests true intentions are. As the readers, they can sense the true reality of things. The people think that the priest cares for the people and that the priest is risking his own life for what he believes in. But in actuality, the priest is selfish and only cares for himself. Graham Greene exposes the true actions of the priest to the readers and thus telling them what our human weaknesses are. The human weaknesses are selfishness, lust, and only turning to God in desperate times. Greene is telling readers what we cannot control and this makes the readers distance from God because we do not have power to stop it. Graham Greene has failed to draw readers closer to Gods holiness and actually made people separate themselves from God. This book has failed to inspire people to know more about the faith because of what the priest did so that he can obtain forgiveness for God. Greene as sent the wrong message to the readers about Gods mercy and love. Hsu 5 Work Cited Greene, Graham. The Power and the Glory. New York: Penguin Classics/Penguin Group, 1940. Print. Book.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Frankenstein :: Essays Papers
Frankenstein6 In the story, Frankenstein, Victor (who is the main character) experiences many tragedies resulting from the creation of his â€Å"Monster†. One of which – the leading cause, eventually pushing him to hunt down his creation – is the guilt for which he feels for indirectly being the cause of the deaths of his family members, his only close friend (Henry), and the family housekeeper, Justine Moritz. Mary Shelly is noted for having incorporating her own experiences within the novel. In class, we’ve already discussed how Mary incorporated little bits of information in the story that related to her own experiences. Even though found many similarities between Victor and Mary’s experiences, we failed to discuss the guilt that, in my belief, both Mary and Victor had in common. Like Victor, many of Mary’s close relatives, friends , and associates past away. From the deaths of her three children, the death of her biological mother, her husband’s deceased first wife, and the death of her half-sister, Fanny (who took her own life), Mary too had many tragedies occur in her life. However, in class we failed to mention if Mary, like Victor, felt in any way responsible for any of these tragedies that occurred – if she felt any guilt. A perfect example would be Percy’s first wife Harriet, who killed herself (probably because she couldn’t bare the fact that her husband left her for another woman – Mary). Another would be the death of her three children (who she could have felt some guilt, being that she was always traveling rather then being present at all times to tend for them, or maybe not taking the necessary precautions that an expectant mother should take). I strongly believe that Mary and Victor shared a similar guilt; Victor created a monster and Mary stole Percy from Harriet as well as provided absence in her home. It is well accepted that Mary wrote many pieces to Frankenstein as symbolism to what went on in her life as well as what was going on in history at the time she wrote it. I believe that she went on to include not only events, and descriptions of her many travels in the Eastern Hemisphere, but also incorporated her feelings and emotions as well (in this case, her guilt is just one of them). Frankenstein :: Essays Papers Frankenstein6 In the story, Frankenstein, Victor (who is the main character) experiences many tragedies resulting from the creation of his â€Å"Monster†. One of which – the leading cause, eventually pushing him to hunt down his creation – is the guilt for which he feels for indirectly being the cause of the deaths of his family members, his only close friend (Henry), and the family housekeeper, Justine Moritz. Mary Shelly is noted for having incorporating her own experiences within the novel. In class, we’ve already discussed how Mary incorporated little bits of information in the story that related to her own experiences. Even though found many similarities between Victor and Mary’s experiences, we failed to discuss the guilt that, in my belief, both Mary and Victor had in common. Like Victor, many of Mary’s close relatives, friends , and associates past away. From the deaths of her three children, the death of her biological mother, her husband’s deceased first wife, and the death of her half-sister, Fanny (who took her own life), Mary too had many tragedies occur in her life. However, in class we failed to mention if Mary, like Victor, felt in any way responsible for any of these tragedies that occurred – if she felt any guilt. A perfect example would be Percy’s first wife Harriet, who killed herself (probably because she couldn’t bare the fact that her husband left her for another woman – Mary). Another would be the death of her three children (who she could have felt some guilt, being that she was always traveling rather then being present at all times to tend for them, or maybe not taking the necessary precautions that an expectant mother should take). I strongly believe that Mary and Victor shared a similar guilt; Victor created a monster and Mary stole Percy from Harriet as well as provided absence in her home. It is well accepted that Mary wrote many pieces to Frankenstein as symbolism to what went on in her life as well as what was going on in history at the time she wrote it. I believe that she went on to include not only events, and descriptions of her many travels in the Eastern Hemisphere, but also incorporated her feelings and emotions as well (in this case, her guilt is just one of them).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hippocrates and the Four Humors
Balancing the four humors The Greeks and Romans viewed madness and sickness as an affliction from the gods. Greek physicians, most notably Hippocrates, believed these afflictions we from an imbalance of what he called the four humors. These included blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. In many cases many treatments prescribed to balance the humors could be considered precursors to psychotherapy. Hippocrates had his patients’ discuss their dreams to gain insight into their ailments.From these discussions, he would then prescribe such things as rest and relaxation as well as a change of climate, scenery, or diet. Hippocrates believed that removing a mentally ill patient from a tumultuous family life could restore the patient’s mental health. . Most of these theories can be seen later on as suggestive cures for Freud’s patients even though Freud viewed the causes much differently. Physical ailments were treated with a much different approach when compared to mental health problems.To balance the humors, physicians chose a variety of procedures many of which would be considered questionable by today’s standards. If a patient was thought to have an excess amount of blood, the physician would bleed the patient to remove the excess amount. When a patient was thought to have too much phlegm and was lethargic, physicians would prescribe a diet high on citrus fruits. Even today elderly patients who have chronic fatigue are given shots of vitamin B-12 which can be found in citrus fruits and chronically ill people are suggested to increase their vitamin C intake which also can be found in citrus fruits.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Accreditation Audit Essay
With all of the possible problems that could occur during surgery, a wrong-site, wrong-patient mistake is one that should never arise. Nightingale Community Hospital (NCH) fully understands the importance of doing away with these errors and has set up protocol to work towards this goal. While the protocol is in place, it is not fully compliant with Joint Commission (JC) standards. Standard: UP.01.01.01: Conduct a preprocedure verification process. Nightingale Community Hospital has a Site Identification and Verification policy and procedure. Within this policy, and Preoperative/Preprocedure Verification Process is addressed. There is also a Preprocedure Hand-Off form present. This form is a bit misleading as it is essentially a hand-off form in general with a few extra boxes possible for check-off. To prepare for inspection and audit, NCH should create and implement a form for use within the Operating Theater or wherever procedures are performed, such as bedside procedures. This form needs to be more specific in addressing at least the minimum requirements by JC. The form needs to cite that all relevant documentation is present, such as signed consent form, nursing assessment, preanesthesia assessment, history and physical. The form also needs to specify that the necessary diagnostic and radiology test results, rather they be images and scans, or biopsy reports, and properly displayed and labeled. Finally, to fulfill the minimum requirements by JC, any and all required blood products, implants, devices, and special equipment needs to be labeled and matched to the patient. Standard: UP.01.02.01: Mark the procedure site. NCH covers the procedure site marking standard fairly well within their Site Identification and Verification Policy. It mentions that site marking is needed for those cases involving laterality, multiple structures, or levels. Several times in their policy NCH mentions that it is best to have the patient involved, if at all possible. If the patient is unable to mark the site, the policy states that the physician will be called to mark the site. The policy states that the mark shall be made in permanent black marker so it will remain visible after skin preparation, and also in a location that will remain visible after sterile draping is in place. The policy also includes circumstances in which the marking will be unable to be performed based on the location of the surgery being in an area that is unable to be marked. Standard: UP.01.03.01: A time-out is performed before the procedure. Nightingale Community Hospital has an adequate procedure in place for the time-out performance. Within the Site Identification and Verification Policy, the Time-Out Procedure complies with JC standards. A time-out is to be conducted immediately prior to performance of the procedure, it is initiated by the nurse or technologist, it involves all personnel involved in the procedure, the team members agree to a minimum of patient identity, correct site, and correct procedure to be performed, and all of this information is documented in the record, including those involved and the duration of the time-out. The only issue not addressed fully is the possibility of multiple procedures occurring on the same patient by different practitioners, and in that case, an additional time-out needs to be done for every new procedure. The Communication priority focus area is an extremely important area for any hospital. This is a common sense area that should be able to reach complete compliance. A wrong-patient, wrong-site issue should never arise and is completely avoidable. In 2010, Joint Commission reported that wrong-patient/site surgeries continued to be the most frequently reported sentinel event(Spath 2011).Jay Arthur states that JC reports between four and six wrong-site surgeries per day(2011). The World Health Organization believes that at least 500,000 deaths per year could be prevented if the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist was correctly implemented. These numbers, when compared with the possibility of 100% compliance, are astounding and completely avoidable. Nightingale Community Hospital is well on their way to avoiding these types of sentinel events through usages of proper protocol, procedures, and policy as is seen by the upward trend from their last year of self-checks. With continued diligence and appropriate modifications made, this can be an area that NCH, and any other hospital can be fully compliant in. References Arthur, J. (2011). Lean six sigma for hospitals: Simple steps to fast, affordable, flawless healthcare. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Spath, P. L. (2011). Error reduction in health care: A systems approach to improving patient safety (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossy-Bass. WHO (2013). WHO | Safe surgery saves lives. Retrieved from [Last Accessed November 5, 2013]. Accreditation Audit Essay A1. Evaluation Nightingale Community Hospital (NCH) is committed to upholding the core values of safety, accountability, teamwork, and community. In preparation for the upcoming readiness audit, NCH will be launching a corrective action plan in direct response to the recent findings in the tracer patient. Background information on the tracer patient is as follows: 67 year old female postoperative patient recovering from a planned laparoscopic hysterectomy turned open due to complications. Patient developed infection that formed an abscess and was readmitted to the hospital for surgical abscess removal and central line placement for long term IV antibiotics. The tracer methodology was employed when auditors reviewed this patient’s course. Many things were done well and right with this patient and NCH is pleased to know that the majority of items analyzed with this patient proved that NCH was in compliance with regulatory standards; however, there were some troublesome areas that we need to focus on. The primary focus area that we will put our energies into will be the fact that there was not a history and physical completed on the patient within 24 hours of admission, and in fact it was greater than 72 hours before one was completed. See more: My Writing Process Essay The Joint Commission mandates standards that are to be met in order to maintain compliance. Standard PC.01.02.03 states that history and physicals must be documented and placed in the patient’s medical record within 24 hours of admission and prior to procedures involving conscious sedation or anesthesia. History and physicals are also considered in compliance if documented 30 days prior to procedures as long as there are no changes documented or the changes in status are specifically noted. (Joint Commission Update, n.d.) A2. Plan Often, rules and regulations are met with disdain and it is usually because there is no explanation provided as to why the rule exists. The rules for History and physical documentation are in place for a reason and are not just to make things more complicated. History and physicals provide all health care providers that participate in a patient’s care a glimpse into that patient’s health status and immediate concerns. (Shuer, 2002) The information provided in a history and physical paints a portrait for all other health care team members to follow and treat accordingly. Often, emergent situations may arise where other health care specialty providers may not have the time to glean medical background information from patients and/or their representatives and the history and physical then serves as the go to source of information. Compliance regulations can be hard to understand the reasoning behind them sometimes, but if we all work together to make sure that we meet them, then NCH will continue to embrace the core values that we have worked so hard to instill and embrace. The following outline is a corrective action plan that will ensure compliance with the Joint Commission and bring us up to par for the readiness audit. Action Accountable Parties Timeframe Measurement History and Physical Physicians & physician assistants 1. Within 24 hours of admission. 2. Within 30 days prior to a procedure involving conscious sedation or anesthesia. Chart reviews and if requirements are not met, patients will be held in the surgical admitting unit and procedures will be delayed. There must be 100% compliance. B. Sources Joint Commission Update Study Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2014, from Shuer, L. M. (2002). Improvement needed on h&p documentation. Medical Staff Update, 26(5), Retrieved from
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