Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Learn How to Conjugate Réunir (to Reunite) in French
Learn How to Conjugate Rà ©unir (to Reunite) in French At first glance, you might guess that the French verb rà ©unir has something to do with reuniting and your hunch would be correct. Technically, it means to reunite and a conjugation is required to get it into the present, past, or future tense. This lesson focuses on the most common and useful forms of rà ©unir so you can start using it in French conversations. The Basic Conjugations of Rà ©unir Rà ©unir is a regular -ir verb and that does make it a little easier to learn than some French verbs. It uses one of the common conjugation patterns, so if you have studied words like remplir (to fill), you already have a head start. The first step is recognizing the verb stem, which is rà ©un-. Then, using the chart, you can learn which ending to add that corresponds to the subject pronoun and the tense you need. This will help you learn the basic forms of the indicative mood, which are used most often. For example, je rà ©unis means I am reuniting and nous avons rà ©nissions means we reunited. Present Future Imperfect je runis runirai runissais tu runis runiras runissais il runit runira runissait nous runissons runirons runissions vous runissez runirez runissiez ils runissent runiront runissaient The Present Participle of Rà ©unir As with most regular -ir verbs, the ending -issant is added to the stem to produce the present participle. This results in the word rà ©unissant. Rà ©unir in the Compound Past Tense In French, the passà © composà © is the compound past tense. It requires an auxiliary verb and the past participle rà ©uni. To form it, begin by conjugating avoir into the present tense according to the subject, then add the past participle. For instance, this leaves us with jai rà ©uni for I reunited and nous avons rà ©uni for we reunited. More Simple Conjugations of Rà ©unir A few more basic conjugations should round off your essentials list for rà ©unir. You can use the subjunctive whenever the act of reuniting is uncertain or the conditional when its dependent on something else. The passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive are both literary forms, so youll find these in written French. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je runisse runirais runis runisse tu runisses runirais runis runisses il runisse runirait runit runt nous runissions runirions runmes runissions vous runissiez runiriez runtes runissiez ils runissent runiraient runirent runissent The French imperative is used for direct and often assertive statements. The most important rule you need to know is that the subject pronoun is unnecessary in this circumstance. You can shorten tu rà ©unis to rà ©unis. Imperative (tu) runis (nous) runissons (vous) runissez
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